Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

суббота, 21 июля 2018 г.

Test. Old age pensions

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

Old age pension

 1. Billy receives £90 a week pension and allowances. He has no other savings. He owns his own house. He has to spend the following each week:
    food              £40
    electricity     £11
    gas                £7
    water rates    £7
    council tax    £16
    phone            £6
How much money does Billy nave left for each week?

 а)  £87;       б)  £3;     
 в)  £90;       г)  £177.

 2. Billy receives £90 a week pension and allowances. He has no other savings. He owns his own house. He has to spend the following each week:
    food              £40
    electricity     £11
    gas                £7
    water rates    £7
    council tax    £16
    phone            £6
Billy needs to buy clothes, see friends and family.
He wants to have the occasional drink and he would still like to run a car. He is 67 years old.
What is your advice to Billy?

 а)  ;      б)  ;     
 в)  ;      г)  .

 3. Mike started paying a small amount of money into a personal pension plan each month when he was 26 years old. He carried on paying a small amount each month throughout his working life. Mike is now 65 years old and has a pension of £14000 per annum. When he adds his state pension of £3150, he has £329.81 each week. Compare the live he could now lead compared to Billy in Question 1.

 а)  lives better;      б)  ;       
 в)  lives worse;      г)  .

 4. Throughout your working life a small amount of money could be saved each month towards a pension. Write down (or discuss with your teacher) reasons for saving.

 а)  ;      б)  ;     
 в)  ;      г)  .             

 5. Throughout your working life a small amount of money could be saved each month towards a pension. Write down (or discuss with your teacher) reasons for not saving like this.

 а)  ;      б)  ;     
 в)  ;      г)  .

Lesson 17. Old age pensions

Hopefully you will have a long and happy live. How will you pay for things when you get a lot older? What kind of life will you be able to have?
By 2050 there will be 14 million people over 65 in the UK.
If you do not save some money during your working years you will rely on the government for your money. How much might that be?

The state pension

The state pension at the time of writing is £3150 per annum for a single person. That is £60.58 each week. The government might give a person allowances to make sure the amount is at least £90 a week.

How would you manage?  

Test lesson 17
Other lessons:

Lesson 1. Wages

Test. Council fax

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

Council fax

For this exercise use the council tax rates shown in the table below.
Use the table at the start of this section to find out which band each property belongs to in the following Questions.

 1. Harry and Erica Smith live in a house worth £105000. How much council tax will they have to pay?

 а)  £1420;      

 2. Simon and Shanice live in a house worth £132000. How much council tax will they have to pay?

 c)  £1675;      

 3. Simon and Shanice live in a house worth £132000. If the council tax payment is spread over 10 months, how much will the monthly payments be?

 d)  £167.50.

 4. Molly lives on her own in a bedsit valued at £50000. How much council tax will Molly have to pay this year?

 b)  £598.50;     

 5. The Jackson family live in a house valued at £210 000. If they spread their council tax payments over 10 mouths, what will the monthly payments be?

 а)  £191;      

 6. Jenny, David and Man are all students. They live in a house valued at £90000. How much council tax will they have to pay this year?

 а)  12;      
 b)  1;       
 d)  0.

 7. Mr. and Mrs. Pickford live in a flat valued at £102,000. They are allowed to pay their council tax in 4 equal (quarterly) payments. How much will each quarterly payment be?

 b)  £355;     

 8. Rhys lives on his own in a bungalow valued at £110 000. If he spreads his council tax payment over 10 months, what will his monthly payments be?

 c)  £106.50;      

Lesson 16. Council fax

This is fax collected by local authorities. It is a tax on domestic property. In general, the bigger the property is, the more tax will be charged.

Each property is put into a valuation band. At the time of writing the bands are as listed below.
The council tax is used to pay for local services such as rubbish collection, schools and the fire service.
Council tax is not paid on some properties, for example any property that only students live in or a property where all the people who live in it are aged under 18.
If only one person lives in a property they will get a 25% discount on the 
council tax bill.


Jack lives on his own in a flat worth £75000. This year’s council tax rates in his area are shown in the table below:
(a) How much council tax will Jack have to pay this year?
(b) If he spreads the council tax payment over 10 months, how much will
     he pay each month?
(a) Using the table at the start of this section, Jack’s flat is in band D. The
     other table shows he must pay £1200 this year.
     Jack lives on his own so gets a 25% discount.
    25% of £1200 = £300
    Jack pays £1200 – £300 = £900
(b) If the payment is spread over 10 months, each month Jack pays
     £900 ÷ 10 = £90.

Test lesson 16
Other lessons:

Lesson 1. Wages

Test. Buying a house

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

Buying a house

 1. Dan wants to buy a house for £140,000. He earns £35,000 each year. A building society will give him a mortgage of 3.5 times his annual (yearly) salary. How much mortgage can Dan get?

 а)  £122530;       
 б)  £122500;     
 в)  £122580;       
 г)  £122510.

 2. Dan wants to buy a house for £140,000. He earns £35,000 each year. A building society will give him a mortgage of 3.5 times his annual (yearly) salary. How much more money does he need to buy the house?

 а)  £17500;      
 б)  £17560;     
 в)  £17510;      
 г)  £17480.

 3. Dan wants to buy a house for £140,000. He earns £35,000 each year. A building society will give him a mortgage of 3.5 times his annual (yearly) salary. Stamp duty is 1% of £140,000. The solicitor and surveyor bills amount to £2000. How much money will he really need to have saved to buy this house if he takes the full mortgage?

 а)  £20935;      
 б)  £20970;       
 в)  £20900;      
 г)  £20910.

 4. Jim and Hannah have saved £40,000. They earn £30,000 between them each year. A bank will give them a mortgage of 4 times their joint annual salary. How much mortgage can they get?

 а)  £120050;     
 б)  £120010;     
 в)  £120060;     
 г)  £120000.             

 5. Jim and Hannah have saved £40,000. They earn £30,000 between them each year. A bank will give them a mortgage of 4 times their joint annual salary. They want to buy a house for 1£55,000. Stamp duty is 1%. The solicitor and surveyor bills amount to £2800. Can they afford this house? How much money will be left over if they take out the full mortgage?

 а)  no, £620;     
 б)  yes, £650;     
 в)  no, £650;     
 г)  yes, £620.

 6. Donna sells her flat and makes £73,000 profit. She earns £27,000 each year. A bank will give her a mortgage of 3.5 times her annual salary. What is the most money she will have available to buy a hew property?

 а)  £167550;     
 б)  £167545;     
 в £167500;     
 г)  £167560.

 7. Donna sells her flat and makes £73,000 profit. She earns £27,000 each year. A bank will give her a mortgage of 3.5 times her annual salary.
Is she bought a house for this amount of money, how much stamp duty would be payable at 1%?

 а)  £1675;      
 б)  £1670;     
 в)  £1685;      
 г)  £1678.

 8. 4 friends want to buy a house together. They can jointly raise a mortgage of £240,000 and have a total deposit of £41,000.
They buy a house costing £268,000. Stamp duty is 3%. The solicitor and surveyor bills amount to £3420.
How much money will they have left over if they take out the full mortgage?

 а)  £1550;      
 б)  £1542;     
 в)  £1548;      
 г)  £1540.

 9. Laura earns £26,000 each year and Bruce earns £19,000. They can both get a mortgage of 3,5 times their salary. How much mortgage can Laura get?

 а)  £91060;      
 б)  £91035;       
 в)  £91000;      
 г)  £91090.

10. Laura earns £26,000 each year and Bruce earns £19,000. They can both get a mortgage of 3,5 times their salary. How much mortgage can Bruce get?

 а)  £66550;      
 б)  £66500;     
 в)  £66525;      
 г)  £66580.

11. Laura earns £26,000 each year and Bruce earns £19,000. They can both get a mortgage of 3,5 times their salary. They have a joint deposit of £33,000. They buy a property costing £182,000. Stamp duty is 1%. The solicitor and surveyor bills amount to £2950. What is the lowest joint mortgage they would need to take out?

 а)  £153790;       
 б)  £153720;     
 в)  £153760;     
 г)  £153770.

12. Peter and Sonia can rent a flat for £560 each month. They could buy a similar flat and the monthly mortgage payments would be £560. Discuss with your teacher the advantages and disadvantages of buying the flat compared to renting the flat.

 а)  to buy a similar flat;     
 б)  ;     
 в)  not to buy a similar flat;     
 г)  .