Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

вторник, 2 февраля 2016 г.

Test 2. Writing numbers

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

Writing numbers

 1. WRITE   >, <,  or  =  in each box:
 а)  > ;      b)  = ;     
 c)  < ;      d)  ∞.

 2. WRITE   >, <,  or  =  in each box:
 а)  > ;      b)  = ;     
 c)  < ;      d)  ∞.

 3. In 58,601, the underlined digit is in which place?

 аplace ones;     
 bplace tens;
 c)  place tens;     
 dplace hundredтриста восемь.

 4. The standard form of the number 987 has the number 7 in which place?

 аplace thousand;     
 b)  place ones;
 cplace hundred;       
 dplace tens.

 5. In 231,739,465, the underlined digit is in which place?

 аplace tens;            
 b)  place hundred thousand;
 cplace hundred;     
 dplace ones.

 6. In 2,867,403, the underlined digit is in which place?

 аplace tens;     
 b)  place thousands;
 cplace ones;     
 dplace hundred.

 7. Write the number 7,642 in expanded form.

 а(7×1,00) + (6×100) + (4×10) + (2×1);
 b(7×1,000) + (6×10) + (4×10) + (2×1);
 c(7×1,000) + (6×100) + (4×1) + (2×0);
 d)  (7×1,000) + (6×100) + (4×10) + (2×1).

 8. Write the number 4,340,200 in word form.

 аfour millions three hundred forty thousands twenty;
 bfour millions thirty four two hundred;
 c)  four millions three hundred forty thousands two hundred;
 dfour millions three hundred forty thousands two.

 9. Write the number in standard form.

 (3×100,000) + (2×10,000) + (6×1,000) + (5×100) + (2×10) + (3×1)

 а)  320,523;     
 b)  326,523;     
 c)  306,523;     
 d)  326,503.

10. Write the number 4 million, thirty-five in standard form.

 а)  4,000,035;    
 b)  4,000,305;
 c)  4,0000,035;     
 d)  400,035.

11. Write the number 435,401 in expanded form.

 а(4×100,000) + (3×10,000) + (5×1,000) + (4×10) + (1×1);
 b(4×100,000) + (3×1,000) + (5×10,000) + (4×100) + (1×1);
 c)  (4×100,000) + (3×10,000) + (5×1,000) + (4×100) + (1×1);
 d(4×10,000) + (3×100,000) + (5×1,000) + (4×100) + (1×1).

12. Write the number three million, four hundred thirty-one thousand, four hundred in standard form.

 а)  3,043,140;        
 b) 3,431,400;
 c)  30,431,400;     
 d)  3,431,040.

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