Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

среда, 2 ноября 2016 г.

Test 2. Eventual decimal fractions

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

Eventual decimal fractions

 1. Write 0.57 as a fraction.

 а57/10;        b57;     
 c)  57/100;      d57/1000.

 2. Write  6/10  as a decimal.

 а)  0,6;       b6;     
 c)  0,06;      d)  60.

 3. Restate 3.6 as an improper fraction and a mixed number.

 а)  361/10;      b)  36/100;     
 c36/10;        d)  36/10.

 4. Restate  45/8  as a decimal.

 а)  4.62;        b)  4.625;     
 c)  4.652;      d)  46.25.

 5. Write <, >, or = to make the statement true.

0.99  ○  .009

 а)  >;       b=;     
 c<;       d)  ≠.

 6. Write the following number using scientific notation.


 а(1×106) + (6×105) + (8×104) + (7×103) + (4×102) + (8×10) + (3×1)  + (4×10-2) + (3×10-4);     
 b)  (1×106) + (6×105) + (8×104) + (7×103) + (4×102) + (8×10) + (3×1)  + (4×10-3) + (3×10-4);     
 c(1×106) + (6×105) + (8×104) + (7×103) + (4×102) + (8×10) + (3×1)  + (4×10-1) + (3×10-2);     
 d(1×106) + (6×105) + (8×104) + (7×103) + (4×102) + (8×10) + (3×1)  + (4×10-2) + (3×10-3).

 7. Restate the number expanded form:


 а)  (4×1,000,000) + (5×100,000) + (8×10,000) + (7×1,000) + (9×100) + (2×1) + (4×0,1) + (5×0,01) + (3×0,001);
 b(4×1,000,000) + (5×100,000) + (8×10,000) + (7×1,000) + (9×100) + (2×10) + (4×0,1) + (5×0,01) + (3×0,001);
 c(4×1,000,000) + (5×100,000) + (8×10,000) + (7×1,000) + (9×100) + (2×1) + (4×0,1) + (5×0,01) + (3×0,0001);
 d(4×1,000,000) + (5×100,000) + (8×10,000) + (7×1,000) + (9×100) + (2×10) + (4×1) + (5×0,01) + (3×0,001).

 8. Restate the number written form:


а)  four millions five hundred eighty seven thousands ninety two units four hundred fifty three thousandth;     
 b)  four millions five hundred eighty seven thousands nine hundred two units four hundred fifty three hundredth;    
 c)  four millions five hundred eighty seven thousands nine hundred twenty units four hundred fifty three thousandth;     
 d)  four millions five hundred eighty seven thousands nine hundred two units four hundred fifty three thousandth. 

  9. Write <, >, or = to make the statement true.

62.381  ○ 62.831

 а>;       b)  ≠;     
 c)  <;       d)  =.

10. Write <, >, or = to make the statement true.

30.249  30.429

 а)  ≠;      b)  <;     
 c)  =;      d>.

11. Write <, >, or = to make the statement true.

.004  ○ 34.00

 а)  =;      b)  >;     
 c)  ≠;      d)  <.

12. In 1.609, the number 1 is in which place?

 а)  1000;      b)  1;     
 c)  100;        d)  10.

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