Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

воскресенье, 5 февраля 2017 г.

Test 1. Tasks for a time

 1. If today is Wednesday, the 10th of December, what will the date be in a week?  

 а)  17th;      b)  16th;     
 c)  14th;      d)  19th.

 2. If today is Wednesday, the 10th of December. What day of the week is January 1 of the next year?

 c)  Thursday;     

 3. 5 school days a week. 36 weeks of school. How many days?

 а)  360;      b)  180;     
 c)  90;        d)  270.

 4. It is 2:30 in the afternoon. In how many minutes will it be 4:47 in the afternoon?

 а)  137;       b)  145;
 c)  155;       d)  127.

 5. 60 minutes in an hour. 24 hours in a day. 365 days in a year. How many minutes in a year?

 а525675 min;     
 b525800 min;
 c526600 min;     
 d)  525600 min.

 6. Sir Wilfred Laurier. Born 1841. Became Prime Minister 1896. How old was he?

 а)  52;      b)  54;     
 c)  55;      d)  57.

 7. Elizabeth I. Reigned 1558-1603. Victoria. Reigned 1837-1901. How much longer did Victoria reign?

 а)  19;      b)  17;     
 c)  21;      d)  18.

 8. It is 2:30 in the afternoon. How many times will the minute hand pass the hour hand in the next 3 hours?

 а)  60;      b)  20;     
 c)  90;      d)  30.

 9. It is 5:37 in the afternoon. How many minutes has it been since 2:45 in the afternoon?

 а)  184;      b)  172;     
 c)  162;      d)  176.

10.  It is 5:37 in the afternoon. How many minutes will it be before a television program at 7:45 in the evening?

 а)  128;      b)  118;     
 c)  132;      d)  122.

11. It is 5:37 in the afternoon. How long has it been since breakfast at 7:30 in the morning?

 а)  601;      b)  617;     
 c)  594;      d)  607.

12. Sally took 4 drinks from the fountain on Monday. Tim took 6 drinks, Bill took 5 drinks. There are 33 children in Sall's class. Estimate how many drinks Sally's class takes from the fountain in one week.

 а)  2455;      b)  2475;     
 c)  2495;      d)  2470.

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