Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

вторник, 28 марта 2017 г.

Test 1. Quadrilateral

 1. Which of these shapes is a quadrilateral?
 аA,  B,  D,  E;     
 bA,  C,  D,  F;     
 c)  A,  B,  D,  F;     
 dA,  B,  F.

 2. For each shape, say whether the angles marked are acute, obtuse, right or reflex.
 аreflex;      b)  obtuse;     
 cacute;      dright.

 3. For each shape, say whether the angles marked are acute, obtuse, right or reflex.
 аreflex;      bobtuse;     
 c)  acute;      dright.

 4. Draw a quadrilateral (a shape with 4 sides) with a reflex angle:
 5. Name the shaded angles below. Is angle PSR acute or obtuse?
 а)  obtuse;      b)  ;     
 cacute;        d)  .

 6. Name each shaded angle below.
 аQ S;         bR Q;     
 c)  P Q;        dP R.

 7. Write down the size of each angle stated below
 а)  120;      b)  70;     
 c)  60;        d)  110.

 8. Write down the size of each angle stated below
 а)  110;      b)  60;     
 c)  70;        d)  120.

 9. Find the angles marked with letters.
 аa  40;      ba  65;     
 c)  a  60;      da  50.

10. Find the angles marked with letters.
 а)  b  100;      bb  110;     
 cb  105;      db  90.

11. Find the angles marked with letters.
 аc  110;      bc  90;     
 c)  c  120;      dc  115.

12. Find the angles marked with letters.
 аd  130;      b)  d  140;     
 cd  145;      dd  150.

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