Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

среда, 1 марта 2017 г.

Test 1. Angles

 1. Which of these angles are right?
 2. Which of these angles are acute?
 3. Which of these angles are reflex?
 4. Which of these angles are obtuse?
 5. Name the shaded angles below
 6. Name the shaded angles below
 7. What is the measure of angle DBC?
 а)  60;      b)  40;     
 c)  45;      d)  50.

 8. Write down the size of each angle stated below
 а)  30;        b)  50;     
 c)  150;      d)  120.

 9. Write down the size of each angle stated below
 а)  30;        b)  60;     
 c)  150;      d)  180.

10. Find the angles marked with the letters.
 аc  20;      b)  c  30;     
 cc  50;      dc  10.

11. Find the angles marked with the letters.
 а)  f  75;      bf  95;     
 cf  65;      df  70.

12. Find the angles marked with the letters.
 аg  50;      bg  40;     
 cg  55;      d)  g  45.

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