Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

суббота, 25 марта 2017 г.

Test 1. Angles in a triangle

 1. The diagram shows a triangle. Which of the following correctly describes angle x?
 а)  acute angle;     
 bobtuse angle;     
 creflex angle;     

 2. The diagram shows a triangle. What is the value of

x + y + z?
 а)  90;        b)  270;     
 c)  180;      d)  135.

 3. For each shape, say whether the angles marked are acute, obtuse, right or reflex.
 аreflex;      bobtuse;     
 c)  acute;      dright.

 4. Draw a triangle with an obtuse angle:
 5. Can you draw a triangle with a reflex angle inside it?

 а)  no;      b)  ;     
 cyes;      d)  .

 6. Name the shaded angles below
 7. Write down the size of each angle stated below
 а130;      b70;     
 c60;        d)  50.

 8. Write down the size of each angle stated below
 а70;        b)  60;     
 c130;      d)  50.

 9. Find the angles marked with the letters.
 а)  i  50;      bi  60;     
 ci  45;      di  40.

10. Find the angles marked with the letters.
 аj  85;      bj  70;     
 c)  j  80;      dj  75.

11. Find the angles marked with the letters.
 аk  40;      b)  k  30;     
 ck  35;      dk  20.

12. Find the angles marked with the letters.
 аh  42⁰,  g  67;     
 bh  42⁰,  g  67;     
 ch  42⁰,  g  67;     
 d)  h  42⁰,  g  67.

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