Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

воскресенье, 2 апреля 2017 г.

Test 2. Substitution

In Question 1 to 12 you are given a formula. 

1. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

a = 5b + 2.

Find a when b = 3.

 а13;      b)  17;     
 c)  20;      d)  15.

 2. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

x = 7y – 6.

Find x when y = 3.

 а)  15;      b10;     
 c)  18;      d)  13.

 3. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

a = b/4 + 5.

Find a when b = 20.

 а12;      b8;     
 c)  10;      d11.

 4. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

c = d/3 – 2.

Find c when d = 15.

 а)  5;      b)  8;     
 c)  1;      d)  3.

 5. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

g = 4h + 9.

Find g when h = 6.

 а36;      b)  33;     
 c)  28;      d)  31.

 6. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

p = 2(q + 8).

Find p when q = 3.

 а20;      b18;     
 c)  22;      d25.

 7. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

m = n + 3p.

Find m when n = 8 and p = 6.

 а)  26;      b29;     
 c)  21;      d)  24.

 8. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

p = 6q + 2r.

Find p when q = 4 and r = 5.

 а32;      b36;     
 c)  34;      d30.

 9. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

v = 2(3w + 2y).

Find v when w = 4 and y = 5.

 а40;      b)  44;     
 c)  47;      d)  41.

10. Find the value of the letter required in each case.
Find a when b = 4 and c = 2.

 а)  6;      b8;     
 c)  3;      d)  5.

11. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

x = 3y + 6z – 8.

Find x when y = 4 and z = 2.

 а12;      b)  16;     
 c)  18;      d)  13.

12. Find the value of the letter required in each case.

e = f/3 + d/4.

Find e when f = 15 and d = 28.

 а9;         b11;     
 c)  12;      d15.

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