Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

вторник, 17 июля 2018 г.

Test. Which is brtter value?

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

Which is better value?

 1. For each question, decide which the better value is.
 а)  ;       
 в)  ;       
 г)  A.

 2. For each question, decide which the better value is.
 а)  B;      
 б)  ;     
 г)  .

 3. For each question, decide which the better value is.
 б)  ;       
 в)  B;      
 г)  .

 4. For each question, decide which the better value is.
 а)  ;      
 б)  A;     
 в)  ;      

 5. Cart is buying paper plates and plastic cups for a party. Paper plates cost 80 p for a pack of 20 or £1.50 for a pack of 50.
Plastic cups cost 78 p for a pack of 12 of £1.80 for a pack of 30.
Carl needs 60 plates and 75 cups. What is the cheapest way of buying them?

 аPlates : 1 pack of 50 + 2 pack of 20 – cups : 2 packs of 30 + 2 packs of 12;     
 бPlates : 1 pack of 50 + 1 pack of 20 – cups : 2 packs of 30 + 1 packs of 12;     
 вPlates : 2 pack of 50 + 2 pack of 20 – cups : 1 packs of 30 + 1 packs of 12;     
 г)  Plates : 1 pack of 50 + 1 pack of 20 – cups : 2 packs of 30 + 2 packs of 12.

 6. Jordan buys some tomato ketchup from the local supermarket. There are 3 different sized bottles.
Which bottle gives the best value for money?

 а)  A;      
 б)  ;     
 г)  .

 7. Which box of washing powder below is the best value?
 б)  ;     
 в)  B;      
 г)  .

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