Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

суббота, 17 ноября 2018 г.

Test 1-2. Charts

 1. What fruit is most preferred by the students?
 аpears;        bmangos;     
 c)  apples;      dpeaches.

 2. Hal carries out a survey of 60 year 10 students. He asks them what their favourite cartoon is. He draws this accurate pie chart.
Measure the angles and complete the table.
 а)  frequencies 25, 4, 10, 15, 6; angles 150, 24, 60, 90, 36;     
 bfrequencies 25, 4, 10, 15, 6; angles 150, 26, 60, 90, 34;     
 cfrequencies 22, 4, 10, 18, 6; angles 150, 24, 60, 90, 36;     
 dfrequencies 25, 4, 10, 13, 8; angles 140, 24, 70, 90, 36.

The pie chart shows the 80 passengers travelling on a train.
 3. How many of the passengers were men?

 а)  16;      b)  22;     
 c)  20;      d)  18.

 4. How many of the passengers were women?

 а)  40;      b)  44;     
 c)  36;      d)  38.

 5. How many of the passengers were girls?

 а)  10;      b)  6;     
 c)  12;      d)  8.

 6. How many of the passengers were boys?

 а)  8;      b)  12;     
 c)  9;      d)  11.

Jack Jones runs a pub. He makes his money from 3 main things: food, drink and hiring out rooms. The pie chart shows what fraction of his money he gets from each of these things.
 7. If Jack makes £900 one week, how much did he make from food?

 а£215;      b)  £225;     
 c£220;      d£228.

 8. If Jack makes £900 one week, how much did he make from hiring out a room?

 а£152;      b£146;     
 c£160;      d)  £150.

 9. If Jack makes £900 one week, how much did he make from drink?

 а)  £525;      b£535;     
 c£520;      d£528.

People in the North and the South of England were asked how many hours of exercise they took each week. The information is shown in the pie charts below.

10. Which of the statements below is correct?
‘Less people in the North do some exercise than people in the South.’

 аtrue;          b)  ;     
 c)  wrong;      d)  .

11. Which of the statements below is correct?
‘A smaller percentage of people in the North do some exercise than people in the South’

 а)  ;      b)  true;     
 c)  ;      dwrong.

12. Which of the statements below is correct?
‘More people in the North do same exercise than people in the South’
Explain why you chose your answer.

 а)  ;      btrue;     
 c)  ;      d)  wrong.

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