Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

суббота, 30 января 2016 г.

Test 2. Adding whole numbers

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

Adding whole numbers

 1. Kai has 10 postcards from her cousin Alicia. She put them into her collection box with her other 46 postcards. How many postcards does Kai have in her box?

 а36;      b)  56;      
 c46;      d10.

 2. Mr. Dimas has 15 new students in his fourth grade class. He already has 21 students in the class. How many students are in Mr. Dimas’s class?

 а)  36;      b6;      
 c15;      d41.

 3. Marcus scored 23 points in his basketball game on Friday and 19 points in his basketball game on Saturday. Haw many points did Marcus score in 
two games?

 а43;      b32;      
 c4;        d)  42.

 4. Carla’s Fabric Shop has many different patterns of fabric for sale. The shop sells 227 patterns made of  cotton, 24 patterns made of rayon, 18 patterns made of wool, and 35 patterns made of silk. Julia wants to buy patterns made of cotton or wool. How many total patters are made of cotton 
or wool at the fabric shop?

 а)  251;      b)  262;      
 c)  245;      d)  254.

5. There are 17 campers in Lucy’s group and 22 campers in Rake’s group. How many campers are in the two groups?

 а)  39;      b)  37;      
 c)  5;        d)  29.

 6. Jessica did some push-ups this week in gym class. On Monday, she did 10 and on Tuesday she did 13. How many push-ups did she do this week?

 а)  24;      b)  3;      
 c)  23;      d)  21.

 7. A TV station surveyed its viewers to find their favorite sport. The survey showed that 157,238 people chose basketball, 95,215 people chose football, 63,482 people chose baseball, 8,967 people chose soccer, 4,251 people chose tennis, 294 people chose polo, and 53 people chose rugby. Shard notices the three sports that are chosen the most. How many people in total chose basketball, football, or baseball?

 а)  298,635;      b)  300,635;      
 c)  300,835;      d)  300,655.

 8. In the city of Agate, the voters are members of several political parties. 134,977 voters are Loyalists, 86,356 are Titans, 4,318 are Patriots, 988 are Rankers, and 93 are Junkers. All the members of the Patriots party decide to join the Loyalists. How many voters are in the Loyalists and Patriots combined?

 а)  139,285;      

 9. Sarah and Felipe were playing video games. Sarah scored 21,456 points, and Felipe scored 9,087 points. About how mane points did Sarah and Felipe score altogether?

 а)  31,543;      
 b)  30,643;      
 c)  30,543;      
 d)  29,543.

10. Gnus (nus) are wild animals that look like a mix of a caw and a horse. Gnus live in African grasslands. Gamekeepers are counting the herds of gnus in one area. Herd A has 383,610 gnus. Herd B has 107,941 gnus. Herd C has 58,725 gnus. Herd D has 5,479 gnus. Herd E has 224,878 gnus. Miriam adds together all the herds with less than 300.000 gnus. What is the total number of gnus in these herds?

 b)  397,023;      

11. Acme Pencil Company ships boxes of pencils to different companies. This week, Acme ships 1,534 boxes to Sizemore Sales. Then, Acme ships 3,795 boxes to Morgan Company. It sends 12,478 boxes to Big Mart Retailers. Also, Acme sends 38,722 boxes to Every State Sellers. Carmen estimates the total number of pencil boxes in the two largest shipments this week. About how many boxes were in these two shipments?

 а)  51,200;      
 b)  42,517;      
 c)  56,529;      
 d)  51,200.

12. A TV station surveyed its viewers to find their favorite sport. The survey showed that 157,238 people chose basketball, 95,215 people chose football, 63,482 people chose baseball, 8,967 people chose soccer, 4,251 people chose tennis, 294 people chose polo, and 53 people chose rugby. How many people surveyed chose either polo or rugby as their favorite sport?

 а)  347;         b)  53;      
 c)  4,304;      d)  294.

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