Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

суббота, 30 января 2016 г.

Test 3. Adding whole numbers

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

Adding whole numbers

 1. In the first four games of the season, the Muskrat basketball team scored 77, 88, 93, and 101 points. How many points did they score in the fish 4 games?

 а)  359;      b)  379;      
 c)  249;      d)  369.

 2. At Gainesville Middle School, there are 327 students in the sixth grade, 463 students in the seventh grade, and 308 students in the eighth grade. How many students are there at Gainesville Middle School?

 а1,096;      б1,198;      
 c)  1,098;      d1,088.

 3. Trevor is calculating the betting statistics for his baseball team. They hit 145 homeruns, 117 triples, 612 doubles, and 543 singles. Using these statistics, how many times did Trevor’s team hit the ball?

 а1523;      b)  1417;      
 c)  1434;      d1517.

 4. The populations of Pottsville, Middleton, and Swain are 38,247; 42,635; and 1,324. What is the total population of these cities?

 а82,196;      b82,106;      
 c82,216;      d)  82,206.

 5. Marcella has a dog-walking business. She walked 12 dogs on Thursday, 15 dogs on Saturday, and 9 dogs on Sunday. How many dogs did Marcella walk altogether? Write a number sentence and solve the problem.
 а)  18;      b)  36;      
 c)  6;        d)  12.

 6. On Monday, Sarah read 24 pages of her book. On Tuesday night, she read 41 pages, and Wednesday night, she read 32 pages. How many pages did Sarah read altogether?

 а)  97;      b)  33;      
 c)  65;      d)  69.

 7. Bly has 43 pennies, 13 dimes, and 16 nickels. How many coins does she have in all?

 а)  29;      b)  56;      
 c)  72;      г)  59.

8. There are 23 students in Ms. Haran’s class, 26 students in Ms. Robinson’s class, and 27 students in Ms. Campos’s class. How many students are in the three classes?

 а)  49;      b)  76;      
 c)  53;      d)  69.

 9. Manuel has 19 quarters, 36 dimes, 58 nickels, and 143 pennies. How many coins does Manuel have?

 а)  256;      b)  258;      
 c)  246;      d)  236.
10. Beatrice works the weekend shift at the local nature park. 325 people visited the park on Saturday morning. During the afternoon, another 455 people visited the nature park. That evening, another 175 people attended. How many people, in total, visited the park on Saturday?

 а855;      b895;      
 c987;      d)  955.

11. Manuel read 58 pages on Sunday, 37 pages on Monday, and 43 pages on Tuesday. How many total pages did he read?

 а)  138;      b)  96;      
 c)  128;      d)  148.

12. Mr. Grant’s class is working on a recycling project. The students are collecting aluminum cans. Over 3 days, they collected 88 cans, 113 cans, and 73 cans. Haw many cans did they collect?

 а)  264;      b)  201;      
 c)  274;      d)  186.

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