Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

воскресенье, 24 июня 2018 г.

Test. VAT-Value Added Tax

Before proceeding to the solution of examples and problems be sure to read the theoretical part of the lesson 

VAT - Value Added Tax

VAT is 17.5% in this Exercise. 

 1. How much will a computer cost? 

£820 + VAT.

 а)  £965.50;      
 b)  £961.50;     
 c)  £963.50;      
 d)  £967.50.

 2. How much will a washing machine cost?

£450 + VAT.

 а)  £522.75;      
 b)  £528.75;     
 c)  £530.75;      
 d)  £526.75.

 3. How much will a cooker cost?

£630 + VAT.

 а)  £744.25;      
 b)  £738.25;     
 c)  £746.25;      
 d)  £740.25.

 4. Which digital radio is cheaper?
 а)  ;         
 b)  ‘sparks’;     
 c)  ‘electrics’;      
 d)  .

 5. Lionel has a checkup and a filling at the dentist. He is charged

£182 + VAT.

How much does Lionel have to pay?

 b)  £213.85;     

 6. Raneer has some new windows fitted. The windows cost

£2750 + VAT.

How much does Raneer pay?

 d)  £3231.25.

 7. Copy and complete the garage bill below.
 а)  £108.05 total;     
 b)  £108.15 total;     
 c)  £108.10 total;     
 d)  £108.30 total.

 8. Callie has a £400 limit. Can she afford to buy a dishwasher which costs

£360 + VAT ?

 а)  no;      
 b)  ;     
 c)  yes;      
 d)  .

 9. Mary’s grandparents offer her £300 towards a new music system. Mary has saved £200. She wants a music system which costs

£420 + VAT.

Has she cnough money to buy this? 

 а)  ;      
 b)  yes;     
 c)  ;      
 d)  no.

10. Copy and complete the bill for certain bathroom items.
 а)  £502.90 total;     
 b)  £502.85 total;     
 c)  £503.10 total;     
 d)  £502.70 total.

11. A TV costs 562 + VAT. Work out how much the TV costs altogether.

 а)  £660.34;     
 b)  £660.35;     
 c)  £660.50;     
 d)  £660.15.

12. A computer costs 899 + VAT. Work out how much the computer costs altogether.

 а)  £1056.32;     
 b)  £1056.30;     
 c)  £1056.34;     
 d)  £1056.33.

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