Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

пятница, 16 ноября 2018 г.

Test 1-1. Charts

 1. Peggy’s score was about 30 pins higher than whose score?
 а)  Casey;     
 b)  Kathy;     
 c)  Karen;     
 d)  Kathy and Casey.

 2. The bar-graph shows the weights of 7 fourth-grade children. Give the average weight of these children.
 а)  35.5 kg;      b)  35 kg;     
 c)  35 kg;         d).  34.5 kg.

 3. Which student has the most points?
 а)  Hugo;      b)  Dawn;     
 c)  Cara;       d)  Evan.

 4. Which student has the least amount of erasers?
 а)  Rudy;      b)  Alexa;     
 c)  Sean;      d)  Felipe.

 5. Who has read more books than Beth?
 а)  Irene;     
 b)  Dylan;     
 c)  Dylan and Jorge;     
 d)  Jorge.

 6. Which 2 fruits were equally popular?
 аapples and oranges;     
 b)  bananas and oranges;     
 cbananas and apples;     
 dapples and pears.

The chart below shows the amount of money spent on different items by the average household in Wales 2002.
 7. How much money was spent on transport?

 а£44;      b£40;     
 c)  £46;      d£48.

 8. How much money was spent on education?

 а)  £4;      b£6;     
 c£3;      d£5.

 9. How much money was spent on clothes?

 а£14;      b£26;     
 c£16;      d)  £18.

10. How much more money was spent on recreation that on health?

 а£56;      b)  £53;     
 c£54;      d£50.

11. What was the total amount of money spent on food and restaurants?       

 а£74;      b£76;     
 c)  £78;      d£82.

12. What was the total amount spent on everything each week?

 а)  £306;      b£308;     
 c£300;      d£302.

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