Уроки математики и физики (RU + UA)

пятница, 16 ноября 2018 г.

Test 2-1. Charts

 1. How many more students voted for baseball and basketball than football?
 а)  25;      b)  15;     
 c)  20;      d)  30.

 2. On which day did Nick listen to music 85 minutes longer than Laura?
 c)  Thursday;     
 dwed day.

 3. Which zoo animal is there the most of?

The bar graph gives the weights of some of the animals at a zoo.
 4. How many kilograms must the lion gain to weigh as much as the tiger?

 а)  24 kg;      b)  28 kg;     
 c)  30 kg;      d)  26 kg.

 5. The rhinoceros lost 350 kilograms. How much did it weigh then?

 а)  2870 kg;      b)  2866 kg;     
 c)  2873 kg;      d)  2869 kg.

 6.  Find the total weight of the two heaviest animals.
 а)  8426 kg;      b)  8420 kg;     
 c)  8422 kg;      d)  8418 kg.

 7. Find the total weight of the three lightest animals.

 а)  512 kg;      b)  518 kg;     
 c)  510 kg;      d)  516 kg.

 8. Find the difference in the weight of the two heaviest animals.
 а)  586 kg;      b)  582 kg;     
 c)  580 kg;      d)  587 kg.

 9. If a buffalo and a camel were weighed on the scales together what would the scales read then?

 а)  1508 kg;      b)  1498 kg;     
 c)  1506 kg;      d)  1502 kg.

10. How much more does the buffalo weigh that the bear?

 а)  470 kg;      b)  472 kg;     
 c)  468 kg;      d)  462 kg.

11. Some animals were on the scales. The scales read 2585 kilograms. The moose got on the scales and the bear got off. What did the scales then read?

 а)  2908 kg;      b)  2916 kg;     
 c)  2910 kg;      d)  2912 kg.

12. A medium-sized car weighs 2164 kilograms. What is the difference in the weight of the elephant and the weight of the two cars?

 а)  174 kg;      b)  178 kg;     
 c)  172 kg;      d)  180 kg.

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